Monday, November 26, 2012


Determining your skin type is absolutely necessary to ensure proper care and treatment of your skin. Knowing your skin type will help you pick the right product for your skin  and also will helps you to provide with the best care .
There are 5 basic skin type:

1.Normal Skin:
  •  Normal skin is a beautiful skin, it's very smooth, fresh, no severe sensitive ,barely visible pores and very easy to take care of.
2.Oil Skin:
  • The oil skin is very thick, it make your face look always shiny, oily, with big pores, and a lot of blackheads, pimples. This skin type needs a special care.

3.Dry Skin
  • Dry skin is often thin, red, almost invisible pores. The skin loses moisture, less elasticity,so you feel your skin is very dry, not smooth, some time itchy, it may crack and peel.

4.Combination Skin:
  •  Combination skin is most common, it usually looks oily at the T-zone (forehead, noes, and chin) and dry at the cheeks' sides. This type skin is very difficult to take care.
5.Sensitive Skin:
  • Sensitive skin tends to be thin with small pores, red. Sometime your skin can be itchy, it is irritated with cosmetic easily. The weather and other environment conditions may cause a reaction in this skin type.

*HOW TO IDENTIFY YOUR SKIN TYPE: there are 2 ways:
  • You can identify your skin type by the naked eyes through the characteristics that i described above for each skin type.
  • Another way you can use the oil blotting paper or tissue to identify skin type:
    • First wash your face with a gentle cleanser and pat dry.
    • Then dab your face with 4 oil blotting papers or tissue at the forehead, nose, and the cheek's. Wait for 4 minute after taking 4 paper down to read the result:
      • If you see oily residue on 2 papers in the area of the nose and forehead, 2 papers in cheek's normal : then you may have combination skin.
      • If you see oily residue everywhere: then you may have oily skin.
      • If you do not see any oil on all 4 papers, no change at all : then your skin is dry.
      • If you see just a little bit of oil all 4 papers, and they are kind of smooth: then your skin is normal.

    Sunday, November 25, 2012


    Before you take care of your skin, the first you have to know and understand about the structure of your skin, then you can find out the best method skin care for your careness is good and achieve efficiency.

    I. STRUCTURE OF THE SKIN:  The skin has three layers:

    1.The Epidermis On The Outside:

    • The epidermis is striated squamous epithelium. The main cells of the epidermis are the keratinocytes, which synthesis e the protein keratin. And it is made from layers of cells with a basal layer, which is always forming new cells through cells division. The new cells gradually move towards the surface, which takes 1-2 months. As they move up they gradually die(we can't see this cells die by eyes), become flattened and develop keratin. 
    • Moving from the lower layers upwards to the surface  the four layers of the epidermis are:
      • Stratum basale( basal or germinativum cell layer): is the only layer but it is very especially because of ability to produce all another layer. Making up a small proportion of the basal cell population is the pigment( melanin ) producing melanoytes. The number and size of the pigment( melanin) will determine the color of your skin color, eyes color....
      • Stratum spinosum( spinous or prickle cell layer): is the thickness layer, as basal cells reproduce and mature, they move towards the outer layer of skin, initially forming the stratum spinosum.
      • Stratum granulosum(granular cell layer): Continuing their transition to the surface the cells continue to flatten, lose their nuclei and their cytoplasm appears granular at this level.
      • Stratum corneum(horny layer): Is the outermost layer include of the dead cells are destroyed, it si very easy to peel 
        • In addition, the stratum lucidum is a thin layer of translucent in thick epidermis.
    • Together, the stratum spinosum and stratum granulosum are sometime referred to as the Malphigian layer.
    2. The Dermis: include:

    • The elastic fibres make your skin resilient.
    •  Connective tissue packs and bind the other structure in the skin.
    • Capillaries with a lot of tiny blood feed the skin.
    • Muscle fibres.
    • Sensory cells make the feeling of pain, cold, heat,pressure...
    • Nerve fibres.
    • Sweat glands which open under skin and onto the surface as pores.
    • Sebaceous glands produce oil to help waterproof the skin.
      • If the sebaceous glands are strong : is oil skin.
      • If the sebaceous glands are weak : is dry skin.
      • If they are regularly: is normal skin.
      • If it are strong at your forehead, nose, chin and weak at 2 cheek : is a combination skin.
    • The fat layer under skin protect the skin from the effect of mechanical thermal insulation, energy reserves.

    *Thank you for reading my blog!  wish you always have beautiful skin.